Monday, November 8, 2010

Study SEO As Well To Sales

Selling SEO to Sales and  SEO for Sales Ouir Blog And Web

SEO for Sales as you gave a lot of thought to the fundamental goals of your business. Your sales department will be happy to hear that your SEO campaign will be bringing in not just traffic, but targeted traffic that leads directly to sales. You will be looking for their help in the following areas of SEO: keyword brainstorming, assistance with conversion tracking, competitive analysis, and insight into the customers’ Web habits.

Since Sales often has the most direct contact with customers, they will have excellent ideas to add to your keyword brainstorming sessions. And if your conversions are of the easy-to-measure variety, such as online purchases, they’ll probably enjoy monitoring conversion rates on a PPC campaign and adjusting accordingly.
On the other hand, you may have a harder time getting help with conversion tracking for transactions made over the phone or in person.

The sales department may not want to make the effort to figure out exactly how the person on the other end of the phone got their number, or they may feel that grilling the customers about how they found you will interfere with the sales process. You need to convince your sales team that incorporating this sort of follow-up into the sales process is not a waste of time because it’s important for everyone to know whether the website is generating profits.

The key to bringing your sales team on board for these more difficult tasks is educating them on the connection between targeted search engine traffic and bottom line sales:

How can you make it easier for the sales team to track conversions to the website? One way is to set up a special toll-free number and display it prominently on your website—but nowhere else! In this way, you can easily tell which customers got the number there (“Month Two: Establish the Habit” you’ll learn more about this and other tracking options.) It’s not a perfect solution because it doesn’t tell you which search engines and keywords were used, but it does succeed in connecting the dots for the sales department: SEO → Website Traffic → More Phone Calls → More Sales → Bigger Bonus!


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