The use of Meta data in the web page head influences search engine rankings less and less. However, there are some minimum data that should be supplied, including the author of the website, the date the website was created, the type of content (whether it is general or adult), and a description of the website The title tag is almost the single most important part of the entire website content with regard to search engines. Search engine algorithms (read Google) place a decent amount of weight on the content and construction of the title. The title tag is the text that appears at the very top of your browser.
The title should contain your keywords, and most importantly make sense as it also appears in the search results and as such must be the primary call to action for your customer. Here is a good
example for the search term “Sydney hostel”. The description under the blue heading comes from your description meta tag.
The second most important piece of content is the headings within the site. A good website is coded with up to 6 heading tags. Search engines give weighting to the content that appears in those tags in descending order heading 1 being the most important should therefore contain the most important headings on the page and preferably your main keywords.
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A strong consideration should be the code to content ratio. Good websites are developed in CSS as much as possible thereby removing any formatting code from the actual web page and storing it in a separate file. Likewise any JavaScript code for menus etc should be stored in a separate file. The goal is to have the minimum amount of code against the all important content. The order of the content can also be Finally, Images should be labeled in line with your keyword analysis.
Rather than calling an image “image1” it should be labelled something like “Sydney-hostel-kitchen”. Dashes are the preferred method for search engines to separate words over the underscore symbol. All images should also contain alt text. Alt text (or tool tips) is actually there for disability uses who use reading software to describe the site Search engines can not view the image so they rely on the description of the image to build up the database of information about your site.
Manipulated such that the most important content appears as high in the web page code as possible even if it does not appear like that on the page when displayed. This is most important where a site has traditional left hand menus the site should be coded in effective in reverse so that the content
appears in the code before the menu (although it renders on the screen in the correct order).
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